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That Old Muse Has Come To Bug Me Again!


I woke up this morning with a new book roaring round my head. I had made some extensive notes a few years ago for a four-handed novel which felt far too complicated to even begin to attempt, and now, suddenly the whole thing Is shaking into place, and I can’t stop the ideas flowing.

But this is the exciting part of the writing process, the bit where you throw down words without thinking twice and the story begins to write itself, no holds barred.

I’d be curious to know how other writers embark on a new novel. Blank sheets of paper or flickering paper-white screens may have something to do with it, but it’s not that part of the process that causes the unstoppable tumble of ideas and thoughts that seem to appear from nowhere, with concepts that you had maybe not even contemplated. I don’t know where this one is leading, I just know that I have a lot of stuff that’s going to happen before I reach the final chapter.

I suddenly realised that I now have page after page after page of dense storytelling and dialogue, along with a soundtrack that I wasn’t expecting to hear and images I thought I might not ever see.

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